Localized manufacture comes of age

Talkin' ' robots, 3D printing and manufacturing on demand to the masses

David ten Have of Ponoko sitting with Dale Dougherty, founder and editor of Make magazine, to talk about personal factory - a system of manufacturing and distributed accessible to anyone.

David talks about the personal platform Factory works (how Ponoko makes your tips, where Ponoko makes your tips and what you can do tricks for), but mostly he discussed with Dale, the importance of tools for manufacturing on demand for the masses.

"You can do almost everything you want, wherever you are." "You do not have a big laboratory, a space maker, hacker space, lab… fab", says Dale. "You could do on a computer, press a button and have delivered to you…". »

"Exactly." And this is the interesting thing that has emerged in the four or five years, "explains David." "We began these tools online." This means that you can have your own virtual plant, your own personal Factory, run from your computer. And the parties turn up, just as the tower to store books online.

Many customers of Ponoko will just use their personal factory to make unique models. Several small companies, creators of jewellery for toy manufacturers to custom housing for DIY electronics providers, run on personal Factory.

Design and make your own stuff you are interested? Learn more about personal Factory and sign place for yours, free.

Posted in 3D printing, CNC routing, Interviews, thoughts + views, Laser cutting, movement Maker, Ponoko, Tools + Apps by Ponoko team | Make your own using tips: printing 3D, cutting Laser, CNC routing, App Gateway